The inmydata Publisher Application, hass additionla settings that can be configured to enhance the logging of the  imports into inmydata.

The inital dropdown list is the defaul of "Don't email results". The other options are

  • Email publish errors - which wll send an email when an error arises with a publish/import.
  • Email all publish results - which wll send an email when an with the results of each publish/import.

If either of the Email options are selected the following email settings need to be entered. The "Send Test Email" button allows the entered settings to be tested.  


SMTP Server

The SMTP Server field allows you to enter the network name or IP address of a server on your network that hosts a SMTP Server. This SMTP Server will be used by the DataPA Enterprise Service to send emails.



The port used by the DataPA Enterprise Service to communicate with the SMTP Server.


Use SMTP Authentication

This checkbox indicates that SMTP Authentication is required to send mail. If selected the SMTP User Name and Password fields become enabled and required.


SMTP User Name

The SMTP user name field allows you to enter the name required for SMTP authentication.


SMTP Password / Confirm Password

The SMTP password / Confirm Password fields allow you to enter and confirm the password required for SMTP authentication.


Senders Name

The senders name field allows you to enter the name that will appear as the senders name in the email.


Senders Email Address

The senders email address field allows you to enter the email address that will appear as the senders name in any emails sent by the DataPA Enterprise Service.



The email address(es) to whom the emails should be sent. Multiple addresses are separated by semicolons, for example

[email protected]; [email protected]