Your data can be imported into inmydata using the "Data Publisher" Application. this can be opened using the Start Menu or Desktop icon 

The Data Publisher application allows the users to configure data sources and set up, and schedule, tasks to import/publish data into inmydata. 

The screen is split into three section

The left side shows the tasks that have been setup, these are slit into two lists of unscheduled and scheduled.The top right side shows data definitions that have been setup for each task, along with the last run time and number of rows returned.
The bottom right side shows the Windows Task Name that has been created and shows information on the shedule and status. The Windows Tasks are found in the Windows Task Scheduler within an "inmydata" folder within the TaskScheduler Library.


The menu options are as follows

FileAdd New TaskAdds a "New Task" to the unscheduled list and allows the name to be edited.

Delete this taskDeleted the currently selected task

Rename taskAllows the currently selected task to be renamed

Schedule this taskOpens a screen allowing the Tak to be scheduled

Re-schedule this taskOpen the schedule Task screen to allow a change to be made. 

Run task nowRun the currently selected task

Task properties
Shows the Windows Task Scheduler Properties screen

Update task tenant to currentSets the currently selected tast to run against the currently logged in tenant.

View log fileView the log file for the current selected task

ExitExits, and closes the Data Publisher Application
EditCut / Copy / PasteFunction to cut, copy and paste selected tasks or definitions.
DataAdd data definitionOpens a query wizard that takes the user througha series of steps to create the data definition for an inmydata import.
Edit data definitionOpens the query editor that allows the definition of the import to be edited.
Delete data definitionDeleted an existing data defintion
View log fileView the log file of the currently selected definiton
Share data defintionAllows a data definition to be saved as an inmydata query file ( .qpa). A Query file can be then be shared or used as the basis for a new definition.
ViewDetails, List, Small Icons, Large Icons,Changes the display of the data defintions. 
RefreshRefreshes the list of data defintions
ToolsConfigure data sourcesOpen the screen that defines the Sources and connection to other systems
Change TenantAccess the change tenant screen
SettingsAllows configuration of additional settings

Note: When creating a New Task the Tenant is set to the tenant that was selected on signing in. This tenant will be used when the Task is run/scheduled. To change the Tenant a task runs agains use the "Update task tenant to current" option