Lesson 6 – Publishing, saving and managing dashboards
In this lesson you will learn how to save a dashboard locally to disk and publish it to the server. You will also learn how to manage dashboards published to the server.
Learning Objectives
When you complete this lesson you will understand:
- How to save a dashboard locally to disk.
- How to publish a dashboard to the server.
- How to modify a dashboard published to the server.
- How to delete a dashboard published to the server.
Before you begin this lesson you should be able to:
- Install the inmydata client applications.
- Open the dashboard designer.
- Understand the dashboard designer interface.
Create and open dashboards.
Saving a dashboard
Saving a dashboard saves the definitions of the tabs and dashboard objects in a dashboard. There is no data saved with the dashboard. Follow these steps to save a dashboard:
- Select Save or Save As from the File menu on the ribbon.
If prompted, enter the name of the file you wish to save the dashboard as.
Publishing a Dashboard
To publish a dashboard, follow these steps:
- Select Properties from the File menu on the ribbon.
- Enter a name, description and select a category to publish your dashboard to, then press OK.
- Select Publish from the File menu on the ribbon.
Editing a published dashboard
To edit a published dashboard, follow these steps:
- Open the dashboard from the server
- Make your required changes
- Publish your dashboard.
NB: Publishing a dashboard that already exists on the server will overwrite the existing version, applying any changes you have made. If you want to publish a second copy of the dashboard, save a copy first by selecting Save As from the File menu of the ribbon. This gives the dashboard a new identity.
Deleting a published dashboard
To delete a published dashboard, follow these steps:
- Click on the Open web button on the Application Settings tab of the ribbon.
- Log in
- Select the category the dashboard was published to
- Press the delete button on the tab for the dashboard you want to delete.