Defining the details of a slider

Follow these steps to define the details of a slider:

  1. Press the Filter Parameter button in the Add group from the Panel tab.
  2. Select the type of object from the drop down list.
  3. Press the Edit Text button of the Label group in the Objects tab, enter the text for the slider label and press OK.
  4. Modify the font and font appearance using the Label group of the Objects tab.
  5. Press the Slider Scale button in the Behaviour group of the Objects tab.
  6. Define the slider scale (described in more detail below).
  7. Define the numeric format (described in more details below) and press OK.


There are two ways you can define the slider scale, using data returned from a query of manually entering the values. Both of these methods are described in details below.


To define the scale of the slider using data returned from a query, follow these steps:


  1. Select the set range of the slider from the minimum and maximum values of a column returned by a query check box.
  2. Select the query data set, and the column you wish to use to calculate the range.

Finally, select whether the slider should show labels and major and minor tick marks.


To define the scale of the slider manually, follow these steps:


  1. Select the set range of the slider manually check box.
  2. Enter a minimum and maximum value for the scale.
  3. Finally, select whether the slider should show labels and major and minor tick marks.


To define the numeric format for a slider, follow these steps:


  1. Select the Numeric Format tab of the Slider Properties window.
  2. Select the maximum number of decimal places you want to show.
  3. Select whether you want to force trailing zero (for instance, the values are currency and you always want two values after the decimal point).
  1. Decide what scaling units to apply to your numeric values on the slider. Scaling provides notation for large values, so for instance 1340 can be displayed as 1.34K, and 2345263 can be displayed as 2.35M. There are a number of scaling units pre-defined for you, however if these do not fit your requirements you can define your own.
  2. To define your own scaling units, select other from the scaling units list. Next supply a comer separated list for the scaling units and the scaling values.
  3. If required, select a currency symbol (value that will be displayed before your numeric values). If the value you want is not in the list, select other and enter your desired value. You can also enter a number suffix, a string that will be displayed after numeric values.