Defining the numeric format for dashboard objects
The numeric format tab of the dashboard object definition screen allows you to specify the numeric format of numeric values in a data grid, and the point labels and (if they have not been defined separately) the labels on the Y axis of your charts. Follow these steps to define the numeric format for the dashboard object:
- If you are configuring a dashboard object with a dual Y axis, you can specify a different numeric format for each Y axis. As such, you need to select which Y axis you are specifying the details for.
- If you want to format the numeric values, select the format option.
- Select the maximum number of decimal places you want to show.
- Select whether you want to force trailing zero (for instance, the values are currency and you always want two values after the decimal point).
- Decide what scaling units to apply to your numeric values in a dashboard object. Scaling provides notation for large values, so for instance 1340 can be displayed as 1.34K, and 2345263 can be displayed as 2.35M. There are a number of scaling units pre-defined for you, however if these do not fit your requirements you can define your own.
To define your own scaling units, select other from the scaling units list. Next supply a comer separated list for the scaling units and the scaling values. Each entry in the scaling units list will be displayed as a suffix to your values. Each entry in the scaling values represents the amount the value will be divided by from the previous scaling unit to achieve the display value.For instance, you could set your scaling units to "Thousands,Millions,Billions" and your scaling units to "1000,1000,1000". In this example, 1340 will be displayed as 1.34Thousands, and 2345263 will be displayed as 2.35Millions. If the scaling units list has one more entry than the scaling values, units will be given the first entry in the list as a suffix. For instance, for time scaling units, you could set your scaling units to "minutes,hours,days,weeks,years" and your scaling values to "60,24,7,52".
- If required, select a currency symbol (value that will be displayed before your numeric values). If the value you want is not in the list, select other and enter your desired value. You can also enter a number suffix, a string that will be displayed after numeric values.