Sometimes, when you create a new visualisation, or navigate to a dashboard, some of the views may not render and will give an error. This is usually a valid response from the system, either because something is processing or because the object cannot be rendered with the data provided. To understand why your particular object is not rendering, check the following;

  1. If data has recently been published to the dataset that your object is built on, there may have been an issue publishing the data. You can check the status of the dataset (and see the details of any publishing error) from the settings menu. See below;

  2. You may have included a new or modified calculated column which is set to be calculated before the summary is created, and the system is still processing the change to that column. Once the change to the column has been processed, your object will render. To check the progress of the update process, see below;

  3. You may have included a calculated column that cannot be calculated with the data provided. In particular, check for calculations with a divide operation, where there is a possibility of a divide by zero operation. If that is the case, you can use the IIF function to cope with zero denominator values. If you press F12 to open the browser console, it will contain a warning message that gives more detail of the particular error that has caused your object to fail. 

If none of the solutions above relate to your situation, please raise a ticket and we will have a look at the issue for you.