To Import and publish data to inmydata from on on-premise solution inmydata provides the Configure Data Sources Client Application. This page details how to create, modify, delete and distribute Systems, Links and Subjects that are used to import and publish data. 




Save Changes - Saves Changes made whilst in the Analytics Engine Screen.


Undo Changes - Undo all changes made whilst in the Analytics Engine Screen.


Subject Explorer - Opens the subject explorer window.


Import / Export - Opens the Import / Export Wizard to allow the Import of Systems,


Client Settings - Open the client settings window.

No longer implemented


New System - Allows the Creation of a new System


New Link - Allows the Creation of a new Link


New Lookup - Allows the Creation of a new Lookup


New Subject - Allows the Creation of a new subject


Delete - Delete a Seleted Item


Clone Subject - Creates a New Subjected by Cloning an Existing Subject


Update Lookups - force Lookups to be refreshed on the client, using the Update Lookups Wizard

New System 

Systems let you define the connections to your business application that you wish to extract data from.  


Once you have defined a system you can connect to your business application and Import or Create the Links between its Tables.  The Links define the relationships between the various Tables in the application and provide the foundation for the report Subjects.  A subject is a grouping of related tables that you wish to be included together for reporting purposes.


The System Wizard makes it simple for you to Create A New System or Modify An Existing System whenever you require.

Links define the relationships between the Tables in the relational database applications that your Systems connect to.


Links are used to control the way in which you assemble your inmydata Subjects, ensuring that they are only built using Tables with a known relationship.


Most of the Links you use will be those which are inherent to the Tables and Indexes in your application, but sometimes you may also wish to define Links of your own.


To make the process of defining Links as easy as possible, you can let inmydata do the work, and Import Links From The Database.  inmnydata does this by analysing the common fields and indexes within the database.


For those times when you need to Link tables that do not have an obvious connection,  the Link Wizard will guide you through the process letting you Create Or Modify Links quickly and simply.

New Lookup


Lookups allow you to define user friendly selection lists that can be used to select parameter values when a query is run.


Lookups retrieve data from tables in your business application to build the selection lists. This data can be cached on the client, to improve performance. You can use the Update Lookups Wizard to force Lookups to be refreshed on the client.


Lookups can be assigned to fields in a subject in the subject wizard. Lookups can also be assigned to input parameters in business logic subjects. If a lookup is assigned to a field or input parameter, the lookup will be used to prompt for values in the query wizard and run query wizard.


The Lookups Wizard allows you to create and modify lookups.

New Subject


There are three types of Subject you can build. Freeform Subjects allow you to combine related tables which have Links between them, or you can achieve more complex Subjects by creating them from Business Logic Procedures or PROGRESS Smart Data Objects .


All inmydata Data Definitions (Queries) are based on Subjects.  Subjects are a way of controlling the Query building process, preventing the use of unrelated tables, inefficient sorting on non-index columns, inefficient finds on non-index columns and the display of sensitive or system data.


By grouping together related tables and allowing you give columns appropriate labels, Subjects also simplify the Query building process for the end user by removing the need for any knowledge of the structure of the underlying application database.


Using the Subject Wizard, you can Create a New Subject or Modify An Existing Subject quickly and easily.


Alternatively it is possible to use an Clone an Existing Subject.


Using the Subject Explorer you can enquire on, select (if you currently have the subjects tab selected) and search for particular subjects.


You can only delete a Subject while working in the inmydata Configre Data Sources Application Screen.


WARNING; if you delete a Subject, you will no longer be able to run any existing Data Defintions (Queries) built on that Subject.


Select the Subject you wish to delete by clicking on its name in the tree view.


Click on the 'Delete' Icon on the Ribbon.




Remember to Save your changes.

Clone Subject

If a New subject is required that is similar to an existing one it is possible to Clone the original and use it as a basis of the New Subject.

You must be in the inmydata Configure Data Source screen to Clone a subject.



Select the Subject you wish to Clone by clicking on its name in the tree view.



Select the Subject you wish to Clone by clicking on its name in the tree view, then...


Click on the Clone Subject Button on the Ribbon.


A dialogue box will appear asking if you want to make copies or the Subjects links and Lookups


Click on 'Yes' to make copies, otherwise click on 'No'.




The list of Subjects will now display a New item, the Clone, labelled 'Copy of'

Remember to Save your changes.

Update Lookups

Lookups allow you to define user friendly selection lists that can be used to select parameter values when a query is run.


Lookups retrieve data from tables in your business application to build the selection lists. This data can be cached on the client, to improve performance. The Update Lookups Wizard allows you to force Lookups to be refreshed on the client.


To open the Update Lookups Wizard open the Configure Data Sources screen.


Click in the Update Lookups Button





This will display the Update Lookups Wizard 


Save Changes

To Save Changes in the Configure Sources Applciation, use either of the methods below. Saving changes saves all changes made across all Systems, Links, Lookups and Subjects.

Click on the 'Save' icon in the toolbar.






Click on 'File', then 'Save Changes' in the menu.



