The ODBC Connection Details screen (pictured below) allows you to define the connection details for a single ODBC connection.


Enter the connection details, then press OK to save your changes. The connection details are defined below.




Connection Name: The name by which this connection will appear when selecting a connection in animport/publish data definition.


DataPA Enterprise Host (Optional): DataPA can make the ODBC connection from either the client application or alternatively via a DataPA Enterprise server. If a connection is to be made via a DataPA Enterprise Server then enter the host name of the server which has been configured to provide DataPA server-side data access. This field is only displayed when the selected Connection Type is Remote


The reason you may want to connect via a DataPA Enterprise server is to increase the performance of the ODBC connection over a slow network. The query is then executed from the DataPA Enterprise server rather than from the client and the results are passed back from the DataPA Enterprise server to the client.


Connection String: A valid connection string to connect to a data source.  For details on the connection string see Configuring the SQL data sources.


Prompt User For Password: Check this option if you want the user to be prompted for a username and password when connecting to the server. The username and password will be added to the connection string when the server attempts to provide access to the data source on the server.


Test Server Connection On Finish: If the Test Server Connection On Finish check box is checked when you exit the screen, the connection will be checked before the screen exits.

Configuring the SQL data Sources

The server must be configured to provide connections to the data source. The connection is determined by the connection string entered in the ODBC Connection Details.



This connection string can be an ADO connection string valid on the server. The syntax of the ADO connection string as follows:


DataPA supports five arguments for the Connection String; any other arguments pass directly to the provider without any processing. The arguments DataPA supports are:




Specifies the name of a provider to use for the connection.

File Name=

Specifies the name of a provider-specific file (for example, a persisted data source object) containing preset connection information.

Remote Provider=

Specifies the name of a provider to use when opening a connection to a data source on a machine other than the server being configured. (Remote Data Service only.)

Remote Server=

Specifies the path name of the server to use when opening a connection to a data source on a machine other than the server being configured. (Remote Data Service only.)


Specifies the connection string as an absolute URL identifying a resource, such as a file or directory.


One of the most common ways to configure access to a data source is to use a System Data Source Name (DSN). The connection string can then simply be a reference to the DSN, i.e. dsn=sports2000.


For more information see:

What is a DSN ( Data Source Name)?

ODBC Data Source Administrator




The Connection String can be build up using a SQL Connection String for a connection that i


Common Arguments are




Specifies the name of a driver to be used, the driver must be installed on the machine


Specifies the name of a server to connect to .


Specifies the name of a database to connect to


Specifies the name of the user if you are not using Prompt for Password


Specifies the password of the user if you are not using Prompt for Password


An example Sting could be:-

DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver};SERVER=MyCompanyData;DATABASE=;USER=bob;PASSWORD=password1234